Background: The rapid and accurate diagnosis of cardiac syncope in patients presenting with syncope to the emergency department is an important unmet clinical need. The aim of the BASEL IX (BAsel Syncope EvaLuation Study) Trial is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of elements of the patient history, elements of the physical examination, clinical judgment, digital 12-lead ECG and novel cardiovascular biomarkers in the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with syncope. Trial Registration No: NCT 01548352 ( Link Trial Status: not recruiting, follow-up phase Enrolling Centers: Worldwide: Recruiting: Recuitment completed: Spain: Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid Australia: Royal Brisbane a. Women’s Hosp., Hospital Clinic Universitari, Barcelona USA: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston New Zealand: Christchurch Public Hospital Spain: Hospital del Mar, Barcelona Argentina: Instituto Cardiovascular Germany: Klinikum Nürnberg de Buenos Aires Italy: Sant'Andrea Hospital, Rome India: Medanta The Medicity, Haryana Switzerland: Spital Lachen Switzerland: Kantonsspital Liestal University Hospital Basel Luzern Kantonsspital Poland: Szpital Specjalistyczny w Zabrzu University Hospital Zürich Core Study Team:
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Dr. Thomas Nestelberger Jeanne Du Fay de Lavallaz, PhD MAPS MAPS Dr. Tobias Zimmermann Dr. Eliza Kaplan