© Christian Mueller, 2012 - 2025 │ DisclaimerImprintWebmaster │ Last Update: February 2025
We have: state-of-the-art -80C liquid biobank with serum and plasma samples, and corresponding high-quality data from large prospective diagnostic multicenter studies with extensive patient characterization and central adjudication of the diagnosis. Detailed description of the studies at www.dyspnea.ch You - are interested in evaluating the diagnostic or prognostic performance of your biomarker in a dedicated diagnostic study using central adjudication as the reference - The analytical characteristics of your assay are well defined and the sample volume required is <50-100uL - Are interested in joined analysis and joined publication, with freedom to publish (irrespective of the findings) Process: 1) Signing a collaboration agreement (both) 2) preparation of the samples for shipment (Basel) 3) organization of sample transport to your facility (you) 4) performance of the measurements blinded to all clinical data (you) 5) Transfer of blinded measurement results to Basel (you) 6) Import of measurement results into the large databank and creation of a new masterfile for statistical analyses (Basel) 7) preparation of the statistical analysis plan and direction of the manuscript (both) 8) Statistical analyses (Basel) 9) Preparation and revision of the manuscript (both) For more information please contact Professor Christian Mueller at christian.mueller@usb.ch
Biobank Call for collaborations with academic & commercial partners